Forty, Fit & Fabulous: 20

Coming to the end of the ‘Forty, Fit & Fabulous’ blogs: fear no more there’s an e-book coming soon and I am taking my time in placing content that’s best suited for everyone, obviously with the right information, so bare with me folks.

In my blogs, I briefly underline subjects that, well you only endeavor as you get older. In my last blog, I highlighted an article I came across relating to 6 things that happen when you turn 40: One of them was regarding- ‘ you can no longer quiet bread for a day and lose weight’. I am not going to go into it too much, as I have given my view on that. For everyone who  reaches, their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s we can all read articles, some will apply whilst others don’t. 

One thing I can say for the forty-year-olds, there is no more tradition by that age that they are married and settled down: quite the opposite, with more, placing their careers first to family life. Supposed to years ago you would be classed as a spinster. I can relate to a lot of my friends being settled down and I am truly happy for them. But again this does not apply to everyone, with most (not everyone) still staying together all for the sake of the children or the mortgage. 

Why I am writing this blog, I have been forty now for previously 11 weeks and 3 days. I never really gave a shit what people thought of me from a young age, cause I knew better even from a young age people will always have their opinion about you regardless if you give a shit or not. As I have grown older I have just become zero tolerance, the slight thing that pisses me off, I simply just ignore it, to a level when the situation knows it can do one. I am now looking at what I am capable of doing: going back to my routes with my artistic side. Yes, I used to draw and paint, many many years ago and I was pretty good. I bought a sketching pad and some drawing pencils, acrylic paints, canvas and a canvas holder, this now is going to become my hobby once again: if you’re finding that you have lost parts of you, they definitely come back and embrace you with warming feeling, if you allow it.

Yes, we all change, grow out of friendships, don’t see people we used to see all the time, due to commitments. But when you look back over 10 years ago, there was no such thing as social media, we simply had a social gathering that was done face to face. Over a month ago I received a message from a friend through facebook messenger asking me when I have free time to link up. Firstly I just float on Facebook to post my stuff on my fitness page and advertise services. My point is the person has my phone number, if they really wanted to arrange a time they would of, they have time to post the social gathering and that’s great, but I don’t move on other people’s timetable. I did, however, use to do this a lot and going back to situations, these were the same people who have kids and think that’s an excuse to let me know when they have free time. These are the same people who boast all over social media how wonderful their social lives are with a post of them getting ready or tagging themselves at venues: I am meant to sit and wait when they have time for me- bluntly fuck you. I have come to realize how good position I actually am in. I have talents that I am too stress most of the time to project: then family commitments and of course my work. Time for me now has become too precious and I have realized it needs to be utilized more efficiently, is preciously what I am doing. I am a seventies child who grew up without the internet, so trying to contact me in this profound manner, well simple you’re going back of the cue whilst I take my time deciding if I want to entertain you or if I am bored, which is unlikely, I might contact you not. More so others that are the same age as me have been sheep into this way of communicating, seriously? 

I am not interested in people lives, problems now its time to build a foundation of a life that I am happy and not inclined to run away from, it’s real talk and I am eager to make this my goal and a reality to live.

We all want what we don’t have, this is a sad quality when there’re people in this world that don’t have anything, but yet these are the same people who are happy and blessed to drink one glass of water and generally happy showing gratitude without the bling essentials of life. It’s no wonder the majority of the world is becoming narcissist, stroke complete ungrateful twats.  That’s not the life I want to live, do you?

If anyone is reading this, when you have a moment before you go to sleep, write down 10 things you are truly grateful for, I can promise you this you will find another 10 things to add to your list. We are all so blinded and everyone thinks others live extrordinary lives, all because it says so on social media. If this is the case do you think I will get away portraying myself as a sex goddess with sexual powers?

We have all heard the saying that ‘the best things in life are free’ it really does mean  that, it’s all about how wise you are in interpreting the true meaning. Let me break it down for you if you don’t get it:

  1. The air you breathe is free
  2. Manners are free
  3. Giving love is free (of course, this varies in making the right decision who to give love to, but it can be a love for the world the people I am implying here.
  4. Nature and animals (as humans some can be cruel whilst others respect and love them, me being one of them)
  5. Seeing sights that this beautiful earth has on offer, regardless if you’re on holiday not, the world is amazing full stop.
  6. The sunshine is free, some place’s its a blessing to be seen where they are used to rain or snow. 
  7. Snow is free, for some this a perfect opportunity to go skiing or visit countries that have snow to do this. 

The list can be endless, combined with a list of 10 things that you as an individual has gratitude for, it really does wake you in a state of mind that makes you appreciated what you really got.

So, next, I will be continuing my blog serving up my knowledge on the subject “health, fitness, and well-being’. I can’t wait for the e-book to be published, I have reached as far as creating my healthy recipes and it doesn’t stop there. However I am getting better at mastering my time, after all I have hardly and dickheads to suck my energy with their pathetic crap. Harsh as it may seem, I have to focus on making a better version of me, that way I am better to others, this is the point I am making. Read this blog if you can and you will understand that I bang on the money here.

‘Forty, Fit and fabulous’ we won’t be hearing the last from you, till the next time keep smiling and keep healthy :-))





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