Don’t let stress take over from that positive mind set

Why having a positive mindset is important

Are you one of those people who eats well, exercises regularly, yet always feels like crap mentally?

Finding it hard to sleep, with an hour to go, you need to be up, ready for work.

Mentally you are always feeling exhausted and can’t project your thinking the way you want.

Your thinking:

  • I eat well, exercise regularly, but I just can’t balance my mind?
  • Can’t think straight throughout the day?
  • Tired all the time?
  • Feeling irritable & emotionally unstable?

Devoting endless hours throughout the week in the gym, you would think ‘you’ would feel on top of the world, right?

After all, your releasing endorphins ‘feel-good chemical- brain’. combined with healthy eating, is enough to make you positive?

The truth is living in a world where it’s constantly on the go, effects everyone differently:

  • Being a parent worrying about giving your child the best start in life
  • Paying your mortgage off
  • Stressful and demanding job
  • Being in a relationship that’s not working out
  • Feeling alone
  • Money issues
  • Being a single parent
  • Studying

No one was handed a booklet explaining life can be cruel, serving unexpected blows.

  • No one warned us, people around us can have cruel intentions at your cost.
  • Seeing your weaknesses and exploiting them.
  • People can be jealous.
  • Breaking up from a relationship.
  • Negative people sucking all the positiveness you have ever had inside you.
  • Losing someone close to you.
  • Everyone in life at some point experiences an upset. It’s how you deal with it that matters.

At some point in our lives, we come up against unpleasant obstacles and people.

Some are quick to learn, by not repeating the same mistakes, whilst other’s it takes time.

Some attempt to do things, failing several times to the point they completely give up.

Just remember; no rule book was written stating ‘when push comes to shove, you can’t hit back’!

It’s fair to say no, you can’t control some stuff that happens in life, but you do have control how you mentally deal with it

The key is to learn from mistakes and bad habits, and knowing what works for you and what doesn’t.

Most people don’t realise this, some do but choose to cloud their visions with a guaranteed episode of repeated behavior, avoiding change.

This is a strong sign you don’t really know yourself or don’t want to get to know yourself if you tick any of the following?

  • Not aware of your strengths, what you really are made of when the shit hits the fan.
  •  Not getting the full benefits of applying your mind to get solutions.
  • Feeling withdrawn and resisting change.
  • Always looking at the outside picture and never seeing inside.
  • Indecisive with making decisions.
  • You don’t feel love towards yourself.
  • Neglecting your appearance.
  • Don’t enjoy the stuff you once love doing.
  • Trying to live another life but not yours.
  • Likes drama or hearing someone else’s.

Getting to know you is vital:

  • You are familiar with your ID and who you are.
  • Knowing what you like/don’t.
  • Able to make realistic decisions with confidence.
  • Enjoy doing stuff you like and recognize the joy it brings.
  • Have a calmer outlook in life making you mentally physically in peace with life.
  • Love is felt for yourself and others.
  • Instinct is better, recognizing the people you want and don’t want in your life.

Remember, it’s your mind take control and don’t allow the negativity to win!


#TheCommonSenseCoach 🙂

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