Forty, Fit & Fabulous: 12

Well hello there, incase you have not realised, exactly been a week since I blog!

This week for me, been a funny one, I am feeling the effects of not training properly now leading to almost 3 weeks. I did however teach a spin class this morning and even joined in the whole 45 minute of my gruiling cardio. I must say, it felt good releasing the endorphins (the happy chemical released from the brain), especially with all the build up of the #brexit from a few days, I just didn’t want to be associated with social media. To be honest, now for over a week, I have been struggling to maintain mental balance. With the indecisive weather The UK has been experiencing, its defiantly having an impact with my energy levels. I am not worried about all the doom predictions that are taking place. I am more concern with growing within myself and being the best version of myself, that I can possibly be. So I have invested my time in training my mind more.

I have been reading a book called (Fearless, by Arianna Huffington) and nearly at the end of finishing it. I must say, I found it very motivating and could relate to a lot of stuff that was written. Both me and the author are both from Greek backgrounds. She expressed throughout the book, giving numerous examples of why fear can block your vision to even achieving your goals. To be honest the logic is, if you believe in yourself and continue to work at your chosen goal, why shouldn’t you gain it. We all know the answer but yet we all are so consume with what the world is throwing at us, instead of living it the way we desire.

As humans, we all have a story to tell, though its how its told and how much the individual has learnt and grown in time. The most important and challenging process I endowed, was giving myself a break. You would think I was constantly being harsh on my self; the bottom line is I was. When I look back a few years ago when I was 15 stones, not being able to look at myself in the mirror as I was repulsed at what was staring me back. It took a lot of fad-diets and pointless diets to see the light, that eating healthy and exercising regularly would work and continue to work as years go by, unlike fad-diets that cannot guarantee this result. When I did believe and finally saw a result, as a continuous persistence to eating healthy, cutting out crap from my diet and exercising regularly, I too became fearless without realising it and no longer did I fear at the reflection staring back at me when looking in the mirror. There have been loads more experiences, just like you I have had to, but you know the old saying what won’t kill you, will make you stronger!

For now, I have been reading endlessly and yes still working on the (Forty, Fit & Fabulous e-book). I won’t lie, there have been several moments throughout the day in the last month, that I constantly have writers block. After yesterday accomplishment of writing 7 pages added onto my e-book, felt rewarding. Just from being persistent and widening my thoughts, to this applies at anything you continue to do. Theres a saying things happen for a reason. Stop right there, its not a fairytale it’s actually true, it might not happen there and there, but whilst your awaiting so are lessons to be learned in order to make you stronger and prepare you for whats to come.

I am fortunate to live a spiritual path, be able to connect when necessary, but this does not mean you can’t to, quit the opposite!

Visualise your future, outcome respect yourself and others, amen:

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