Forty, Fit & Fabulous No:6

Hello all!

After a few hectic weeks with limited time, I made sure today I would blog again. For those that follow me on my fitness page on Face Book will see that I posted a week or so regarding some beauty tips, all Mediterranean related. For those that don’t know about my fitness page, here is the link (please like):HelenaPhil-Fitness: Personal Training Diet & Fitness Expert

Lets get straight in with some tips:

Dry Hair Remedies:

For those that suffer with dry scalps and hair: Firstly brush your hair well and damp it all round, then place some Olive Oil in your hands (don’t drown yourself with it) and spread thouroughly on scalp, hair and roots, add a little extra on dry bits of the hair. Leave the Olive Oil on for 30min and wash hair as normal, though when shampooing hair instead of twice wash it 3 times followed by conditioning. I remember growing up my mother would do this to my hair in order to make it look healthy and non-dry. My mother also believed that this method also thickened the hair, I am still dubious to this, but looking at my hair now, it really is thick, so perhaps my mother was right.

Dry Skin Remedies:

Whether its winter or summer, we all need to nurture our skin, after all its on show (especially the summer season). Any honey will do, yes you heard right (Honey) spread this all over your skin before bathing/showering. You can also exfoliate the skin with the honey on it before bathing using a exfoliating glove, or if you have access to a steam room this also works. It might sound crazy, but it actually works and believe it or not, in just a few weeks you can fell the texture of the skin feeling smooth and alive again.

Body Scrub:

Instead of throwing away the pits of olives, grind them up and then mix them well with olive oil makes this one of the most invigorating body scrub ever! Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

Face Pack:

For this you need a small cup, Olive oil and a Lemon: Only place a bit of Olive oil and squeeze the lemon in it, mixing it well. Spread evenly all your face, avoiding the eyes. If your eyes are looking puffy or you have dark circles, try placing a tea-bag thats damped with water over your eyes. Leave the face pack and tea-bags for 10-15 minutes on the skin then wash the face well, placing your chosen cleanser/cream.


Rough cuticles around the nails:

Mix Olive oil with an orange (squeezed) and mix them together. Place over nails and cuticles and leave for 10min, washing the content off well, then after use a good hand cream to keep the hands moist.

The above are simple to use and mix, I can vouch for the outcome after several years of doing this, I can honestly say the results are fantastic. But for your insides thats a step that you guys have to take as I have no control over your drinking & eating habits. But a must is drinking at least 1 litre of water a day will flush out any trapped toxins in the body and will assist in the above beauty tips mentioned working more efficiently.


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