Yes, women can have high levels of Testosterone

My story

Recently I was feeling really tired all the time, baffled as I was getting enough sleep and eating well.

I also noticed I was breaking out in zits when I normally don’t, apart from when it’s my monthly cycle.

But my zits were breaking out, more so around my lip area, even when I had finished my monthly I was still getting them in the same area.




I knew this was a sign for either (Polycystic ovary syndrome –PCOS) or unbalanced hormones of too much Testosterone.

With it I had heavy and uncomfortable monthly’s, more so I was out of action for 2 weeks.

Run down was an understatement, with it I was emotionally unbalanced.

If provoked, I was an utter bitch and felt aggression for no reason.

I knew there was a problem, but I ain’t no Doctor

So eventually, when I got my strength up I made an appointment to see my GP.

Explaining to my GP all the experiences I was having and asked for a blood test. and an ultrasound on my abdominal area.

My GP order some blood test and an ultrasound on my abdominal area, to rule out if/not I had PCOS.

A week later I got my results from the blood test, prior to that I got my results from my scan.

I didn’t have PCOS, but I did have high levels of Testosterone.

The other option was to take the contraceptive pill, in my case that’s a no no!

Instead, I did some research on naturally lowering my Testosterone with foods/drinks and included the following:

  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Red Peppers (grilled)
  • Red Reishi Mushrooms
  • Flaxseeds
  • Soy Beans
  • Tofu
  • Up my intake of Tumeric in my foods
  • Mint Tea
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Kale
  • Chinese Licorice

For those that eat fish, cold water fish like:

  •  Salmon
  •  Sardines
  •  Tuna
  •  Mackerel
  •  Trout,
  •  Herring

are good for lowering Testosterone levels.


Signs you might be suffering from high levels of Testosterone:

  1. Zits breakout, more so prominent around the lip/jaw or chin area
  2. Rapid facial hair growth
  3. Male pattern baldness
  4. Deepening of the voice
  5. Irregular menstrual cycles
  6. Blood sugar swings
  7. Inlarge clitoris

Did you know high levels of testosterone restrict your insulin levels?

Approximately 25% of the testosterone in female bodies comes from the ovaries. This is natural.

Insulin in the bloodstream stimulates the ovaries to produce more testosterone.

In return, this can seriously increase the ovaries output of testosterone.

Depending on the severity of the dysregulation, insulin can lead to a significant increase in testosterone in the bloodstream. This is as much as 2 or 3 times over the optimal and healthy testosterone levels.

This is as much as 2 or 3 times over the optimal and healthy testosterone levels.

Adding I did place weight on dramatically, what I thought I was eating healthy, made me gain weight.

But after cutting stuff out my diet, like white rice and exchanging it for brown, it wasn’t too long my weight dropped off.

Hard for some people to believe that women can also have high levels of Testosterone like men, but it does happen.

Other causes of high levels of Testosterone include:

  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Adrenal disease




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